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When are we gonna go after another Axis-Of-Evil?

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DeathvadeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-13-03 11:40 PM
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When are we gonna go after another Axis-Of-Evil?
I mean come on already.... The suspence is killing me.... Besides The whole Iraq thing just bores me now. Soldier a day, oil sabatoge again??? I mean come on..... Boring....ZZZZZZZ..... Ive seen more creativity on reruns of Knight Rider. Come on..... lets see IRAN SLAM....or Fearin ya Syrian or better yet NK Showdown!!!!!! oooooya thats what im talkin about....NUKE city baby!!! YA!!!! Now that would be some good tv!!!!

I mean really, They have told us that its gonna happen...I'm sick of seeing the PNAC trailers...Lets do dis already!!!!!

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ewagner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-13-03 11:57 PM
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1. In PNAC circles
I believe they are asking the following questions:

Whatdo we do?
To Whom do we do it?,,,,and
With what?

The answers are not obvious. Start with "to whom" ? We have sooooo many choices.

Iran is causing us a lot of grief by sending in fundamentalists to stir things up in Iraq and they are really pissing us off with their nukes.

Syria is supporting Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad and they maybe, might have, could have received WMDs from Iraq before the war broke out.

Saudi Arabia is playing both sides of the political street by financially supporting terrorist groups and telling us that their "with us" as opposed to "against us".

The little fruitcake dictator of NK already has a couple of nukes and he has his chubby little psychotic finger on the trigger. China isn't too thrilled about a US invasion of NK because all those red-blooded American boys on their northern border makes them quite nervous.

Then of course, there's the oldie but goodie, Afghanistan. We could always go back in and kick some Taliban butt again but then we'd have to deal with Pakistan and if we did that India might want a piece of the action.

The what changes in each case, but the with what doesn't.

We simply don't have enough troops to tackle any or all of the above unless we want to re-instate the draft. And Rummy and the boys don't want to do that because they believe that a draftee army is worse than no army at all.... go figure.....

So I bet there's a lot of midnight oil burning in the catacombs of the pentagon as the PNACers learn the hard way life is a bitch
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DeathvadeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 12:00 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Shhhhhhh....
Don't blow it for me, I havent seen this one yet.....
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TheReligiousLeft Donating Member (647 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 12:46 AM
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3. Penenshula
Need I say more. If Bush wins in '04 he'll try the whole uniter not divider bit again, this time with the Koreas, and once again he'll prove to be a divider.
That's just my opinion, but it could happen.
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