According to Le Monde, Germany is satisfied that the new U.S./British proposal presented to the U.N. Security Counsel on Monday. Le Monde quotes Gunter Pleuger, German Ambasssador to the United Nations, as saying that the latest proposal responds to Germany's concerns. Germany believes that a proposed French amendment is even clearer than the U.S./British proposal, but is willing to vote for the U.S./British proposal. Le Monde reports that the Security Council vote will probably be held tomorrow.,14-0@14-0@2-3208,39-23059427,0.html
The new U.S./British proposal promises that the United States, et al. will cooperate with the Iraqi government on security, but does not give the Iraqis a veto on the sensitive offensive operations, i.e., "opérations offensives sensibles." (This last term may have a specific meaning in a military context that I do not know. Please correct me if I have mistranslated it.)