the first "event" is a drop in his polling numbers, I've been actively tracking this since Jan-'03 -
Terror PollsThe second "event" is a holiday, although this past July 4th did not trigger any alerts or terra-stories. However, you can bet we will have one for the Labor day holiday and continue at least 2 weeks past September 11th anniversay.
CBS News Poll. Aug. 11-12, 2003. N=798 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?"
Approve 55%
Disapprove 35%
Don't Know 8%
Approve 60%
Disapprove 32%
Don't Know 8%
In a month's time AWOL has dropped 5 points in this poll. So is it any wonder we have the hype over the shoulder-fired missile? Meanwhile,
Less Than Meets the Eye?U.S. Government Sting Operation Criticized as Setup
By Brian Ross
Aug. 13— Administration officials are leaving out key facts and exaggerating the significance of the alleged plot to smuggle a shoulder-launched missile into the United States, law enforcement officials told ABCNEWS. They say there's a lot less than meets the eye.
But what he did not say was just how much of the alleged missile plot was a government setup from start to finish.
For example, Lakhani had no contacts in Russia to buy the missiles before the sting and had no known criminal record for arms dealing, officials told ABCNEWS.
"Here we have a sting operation on some kind of small operator … who's bought one weapon when actually, on the gray and black market, hundreds of such weapons charge hands," said military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer.
AWOL is on "vacation", poll numbers are dropping, and Holiday weekend/September 11 approaching leaves little doubt that we will have an increase in Terra-lerts. If AWOL's numbers continue to drop as the presidential campaigns begin in earnest, we can expect that AWOL's campaign will be a campaign of fear and terror