Troops not forgotten
As a civilian and an online reader, I’d like to send a message to our troops trying to cope in Iraq.
This whole thing is just the worst.
My heart breaks for each of you. Many of us tried desperately, during the run-up to the war, to stop it from happening. We tried so hard. We wrote, faxed, e-mailed, phoned, petitioned, marched and kept vigils.
Mostly, we prayed.
We are praying harder now, than ever.
I have never been to war — hence my hesitation to get involved in one, or to push anybody else or their loved ones to go fight when I would not. It is my anguish to know that we have a “president” who has done exactly this, and surrounded himself with others like him — who never bothered to go, but are eager for all of you to do so.
When we were unsuccessful at stopping the war so you folks didn’t have to go risk your necks, we then tried to prevent you from getting the shaft once there.
When the White House was trying to nickel and dime all of you so that the wealthy could get more tax breaks, we fought the efforts to cut back on your VA benefits, your combat pay, your family separation differential, and more.
We fought to get more resources to you, whether it was drinking water or flak jackets.
We continued to write, fax, e-mail, phone, petition, march and keep vigils. And the prayers have never stopped.
I’m old enough to remember Vietnam. I’m old enough to have gone to the Vietnam Memorial and to cry my eyes out by the time I’d walked all the way from one end to the other.
I don’t know what you are hearing over there, that’s why I’m writing.
I’m sure a lot of members of the armed services read this paper.
I wanted you to know that we, who tried to stop this war and keep you out of it, are not the traitors the Republicans and other enemies of true democracy make us out us to be.
I’m just one mom here in L.A. But I try to make sure my voice is heard — in this case, by YOU.
We love and treasure you, and appreciate your sacrifice and your service. We pray for your families constantly.
And we’re doing our damnedest to expose the truth of your ordeal, and to get you home to safety and comfort, and the arms of your loved ones!
Stay safe, if you can, and know that you are not forgotten.
Mary Lyon
Los Angeles