When I think of the horrors of the Reagan presidency, the massacre in El Mozote comes to mind. The El Salvadoran army, supported by Reagan, which massacred not only peasants, priests and nuns but even the Catholic archbishop, walked into a remote village, El Mozote, and killed all of the residents.

Just one of the many horrors supported by Reagan during his presidency. When the American people finally had Congress start squelching this military aid, Reagan and his executives violated the Constitution and continued sending arms to the terrorist, drug-dealing Nicaraguan contras, by selling arms to Iran. However, while this is horrible, it allows for some distance, it seems more the banality of evil than mean-spirited. As does Reagan starting his presidential campaign in the town where civil rights workers were killed trying to integrate the south, sending the national guard to beat students at People's Park and that sort of thing.
I think Reagan's mean-spiritedness was most clearly on display during the UFW's grape boycott. The farm workers, mostly Mexican, who were paid next to nothing and asking for very little (that water and toilets be made available in the fields, that pesticides not be sprayed from airplanes on fields while people were working on those fields) were boycotting grapes to try to improve these conditions. Governor Reagan appeared on TV, munching grapes and saying how he wasn't following any boycott. He took the side of the large, wealthy, corporate farms in their attempt to crush the meager demands of the Mexican farm workers - mostly that they not be treated in the same conditions of the other animals on the farm, but as human beings. Reagan seemed delighted in his attempts to try and crush their spirits, and ground them and their children back down into the dust. It reminded me of Margaret Thatcher being interviewed for the series "the Commanding Heights" where she seems incredibly delighted about crushing the miners union in the UK. I don't think I ever saw Thatcher or Reagan more happy than when they were helping wealthy people beat down poor and working poor people. They were mean-spirited people, Reagan even more disturbingly so due to his shared religious fanaticism, as well as his empty smile.
I think people should remember Reagan's attack on the weak when they see people not honor his death. Especially now that his death has become a week-long political rally for the 2004 election. Reagan can not defend himself any more, but Reagan never stopped his mean-spirited attacks on those least able to defend themselves on behalf of the idle class. Reagan's mean-spirited nature brings out the mean-spiritedness of people, whatever their political persuasion.