I jokingly tell my Democrat friends that their party is made up of "the Old Left, the New Left, and the What's Left." I'm proud to tell you that my voting record has infuriated them all:
the pro-abortion fanatics and the radical feminists
the atheists who file lawsuits attacking the Pledge of Allegiance & the Ten Commandments
the gun grabbers, the illegal immigrants, and the trial lawyers
the environmentalist, tree-huggin' granolas and the animal rights extremists
the "one world" globalists who worship at the altar of the United Nations
the militant homosexuals and the burned-out, hippie peaceniks
the race-hustling poverty pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
the union bosses and the socialists posing as journalists & college professors
the government bureaucrats & the tax-and-spend junkies who create their jobs, and
the Hollywood elitists - air-headed actors and singers who think we care what they think. I'll bet he doesn't realize that Helms probably doesn't like him, and is just using him.