FBI translator says she was bribed not to spill beans on 9-11 cover-up
During the 9-11 Hearing, the spotlight was on Richard Clarke's testimony, because they've been so devastating to the Bush administration. But there's hardly any media mention of Sibel Edmonds' tesimony. She's a Farsi and Turkish translator who worked for the FBI from Sept. 20, 2001 to March 2002. Here's what Govenment Executive magazine had to say about her testimony.
Edmonds said she was hired to retranslate material that was collected prior to Sept. 11 to determine if anything was missed in the translations that related to the plot. In her review, Edmonds said the documents clearly showed that the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to use airplanes as missiles. The documents also included information relating to their financial activities. Edmonds said she could not comment in detail because she has been under a Justice Department gag order since October 2002.