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Every job is not the same

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louis c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 09:02 AM
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Every job is not the same
Edited on Tue Jun-08-04 09:10 AM by louis c
I just saw that phony Bush ad about the economy. These job numbers, even if they are true, insults our intelligence. This month 268,000 jobs were supposedly created, yet 40,000 MORE people are out of work. What's happening is like this. Suppose I lose my good job making 50k per year with benefits. After six months of struggling to make ends meet, I take two jobs (formally called entry level or menial jobs) making 20k each. I'm working the same total hours per week as I did in my previous good job, but now I have no benefits. I realize that my salary is cut 20% and my family has no health care. The asshole in the White House, however, is trying to convince me that I'm twice as better off than before, because I now have two jobs instead of just one. I remember a town meeting involving Bush's dad in '92 in which he claimed to be creating jobs. The citizen replied, "YA, I know, I got three of them".
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