Leslie Janka, who worked as a press officer who worked in both (Nixon and Reagan) administrations:
"They've got to write their story every day. You give them their story, they'll go away. As long as you come in there every day, hand them a well-packaged, premasticated story in the format they want, they'll go away. The phrase is 'manipulation by inundation.' You give them the line of the day, you give them press briefings, you give them facts, access to people who will speak on the record.... And you do that long enough, they're going to stop bringing their own stories, and stopping investigative reporters of any kind, even modestly so."http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Ronald_Reagan/On_Bended_Knee.htmlsound familiar?
this was Reagan.....things have gotten, what, worse, since then?
are the media waking from their torpor, or do they still ache for the chimp to win
just wait and see what happens after the debates
as Stan Greenberg said yesterday, Gore was 3-5 points ahead before the debates, then went down by five afterwards.
and you KNOW why.....the media INSISTED to all that they shouldn't believe their lying eyes.....that Bush won by avoiding voiding himself.
if it still matters by then, I'm very frightened.
also, if things are really desperate for the junta, god knows how long they'll wait to LIHOP/MIHOP again. what if they do it a week before the election? something really bad?