What a fantastic documentary! For those who haven't heard of it, it focuses on Carville, Stephanopolous, and Begala during the 1992 Clinton campaign.
Here's a link to the imdb.com page
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108515/A few thoughts came to mind as I watched.
I've never been so amped up for a presidential campaign, and it still 6 months away. I've already got my gut in knots. There is so much at stake this year. Hell, the campaign has barely begun. It's going to be a long, hot summer and a very intense fall.
I never worshipped Clinton, but he was (and still is) amazingly charismatic. Kerry is working on a completely different level, the one where he is the alternative to *, and that is all that matters. Clinton was such a rockstar that anyone who comes after him is unfairly judged. It's like wondering who the next Beatles will be - there won't be one.
Clinton was such a fucking liar, and it pisses me off how recklessly he damaged the party. Yes, he did a lot of great things, but watching him respond to the Gennifer Flowers accusations was gut wrenching. No wonder George Stephanopolous left - oh the shit he must have seen. And I'm sure he got terribly sick of covering for the Big Dog's appetite.
Through all of my misgivings I found myself nearly in tears watching Clinton say that he "Still believes in a place called Hope" at his nomination. It made me realize what's been missing in my life for the past 3 1/2 years - hope. I want that feeling back. No matter what else you can say about the Clinton years, there was hope and optimism in our country, something that had really been missing for the 12 years before he took office. The day that Junior stole office the sense of general possibility in this country dissappeared.
I know it's still 6 months away, but I wake up every morning thinking ahead to November, like a kid waiting for Christmas. Only this time I'm also guardedly wondering if Santa's even gonna show. Ugh, the suspense and dread are killing me!
thanks for listening
(edit to add link)