flipped off, reported through NewsMax, a Right Wing "news" organ. CNN was there with cameras during the event and witnessed/reported no such thing.
Sampley is a scumbag agitator and con man. Here is a press release from McCain on Sampley, posted on Sampley's own website. Would you take the word of McCain or Kerry, or this guy, on what happened?
http://www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnkerry.com/mccain_pr_13feb.htmSenator John McCain, Republican, Press Release Issued, 13 February 2004, to The New York Times and Other National News Media
VVA-JK Organizer Ted Sampley Attacked
"I strongly caution reporters who may be contacted by or are interested in Mr. Ted Sampley and the various organizations he claims to represent, and his opinions on the subject of Senator Kerry, or any subject for that matter, to investigate thoroughly Mr. Sampley's background and history of spreading outrageous slander and other disreputable behavior before inadvertently lending him or his allegations any credibility.
"I am well familiar with Mr. Sampley, and I know him to be one of the most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. I consider him a fraud who preys on the hopes of family members of missing servicemen for his own profit. He is dishonorable, an enemy of the truth, and despite his claims, he does not speak for or represent the views of all but a few veterans. The many veterans I know would think it a disgrace to be considered a comrade or supporter of Ted Sampley."From Kerry's website:
http://www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/clips/news_2004_0214f.htmlIn 1993, Mr. Sampley was convicted of misdemeanor assault and sentenced to 180 days' probation for attacking a legislative aide to Mr. McCain.
A self-proclaimed champion for veterans' rights, Mr. Sampley has been criticizing Mr. Kerry for much the same reason he made Mr. McCain a target for years: Neither man, Mr. Sampley contends, has done enough to investigate his claim that American servicemen were left behind in Vietnam after the war.
Mr. Sampley once called Mr. McCain, who was held captive for five years in North Vietnam, "the Manchurian Candidate," a reference to a 1962 film in which a Communist-controlled candidate nearly becomes his party's candidate for president.
In defending Mr. Kerry, Mr. McCain — who has campaigned for President Bush this year — said of Mr. Sampley: "I consider him a fraud who preys on the hopes of family members of missing servicemen for his own profit. He is dishonorable, an enemy of the truth, and despite his claims, he does not speak for or represent the views of all but a few veterans."