Maybe Limbaugh or O'Reilly will read this one on the air! lol.
I really don't like speaking ill of the dead, but your piece is a classic example of the brainwashing of America that began under Nixon, went into warp speed under Reagan and fully blossomed into Abu Ghreib, possibly the most sordid and illegal scandal in our nation's history. It can't go unanswered. I always find it hysterical when people give Reagan credit for the 90's economy. You betcha', Reagan's policies just leaped over the 1987 stock market crash, 7.5% unemployment, decreasing investment rates, decreasing wages; and landed smack in the middle of the 90's. Suuurre. How do you people tell this one with a straight face? And Reagan's military strategy brought down the Soviet Union, another knee-slapper. The USSR's own economy brought down the USSR. An economy that was in deep trouble before 1980, before Reagan ever took office. Perestroika was simply a natural response to the communist system. In fact, SALT and the grain embargo did more to create the environment in the USSR for change than anything Reagan did. His SDI plan got in the way of ending communism, it didn't help. Just like Bush's obsession with the missile defense fantasy (the damn thing STILL doesn't work) took his eye off the real threat of terrorists, like all Democrats were saying in 2001. The threat to the U.S. wasn't from missiles, it was from terrorists setting off a WMD in a U.S. city. But no... Republicans just wouldn't listen. Which brings us to Iran/Contra and the real legacy of Ronald Reagan. Terrorism. Thank you SO MUCH Mr. Reagan. Illegal proxy wars all over the globe that put tons of weapons into the hands of all sorts of thugs and gangs. You look at any troubled spot on the globe today, and you'll find a past proxy war perpetuated by Ronald Reagan. Way to go! That's some kind of visionary we've got there. And these same criminals that were convicted under Reagan are back in charge of our government today. And we wonder why we've got U.S. sanctioned torture at Abu Ghreib. Ronald Reagan may have made people feel good about themselves. But he did it based on delusions and lies, the same way George Bush does it today. You get to keep more of your money, a dollar in your right hand from an income tax cut, but don't look when we take away three from a FICA increase. The economy is improving, but don't look at the military deficit spending that's creating the only jobs; that, by the way, pay less because he busted the unions. We're defeating communism around the globe, but don't look at the terrorists who popped up in their place. We're restoring honor and integrity to the White House, but don't look at the drug running and arms dealing and money laundering and banking fraud and the 30 criminals who've been convicted under his watch. Maybe he was just in over his head, like George Bush. Maybe he just trusted the wrong people, Poppy Bush's people. I don't know. But Ronald Reagan will go down in history, long term history, as the beginning of the end of America. Unless you Republicans take off your blinders and see this tiny group of people as the liars and thieves they are, and wrest control of your party away from them.