Understand that a clone of, say, Lincoln, would look like him and have certain similar personality traits.
However, in order to make him into the same kind of person, you'd need to 1) deprive him of a public education 2) raise him in a log cabin (i.e. no technology beyond the 1820's) 3) have him in a family with the same order of siblings he grew up with 4) have those raising him make the same mistakes and have the same successes
Lincoln's clone would probably be very different growing up in today's time and would never go far in politics due to his depression.
A clone would be a unique human being, with similar personality traits but due to different life experiences, turn out very different. They might even have completely different desires and thus, the Lincoln clone might become a private detective, solving mysteries, having adventures with the Stanton clone....
If some Nazi decided to clone Hitler and raise him in the best environment, that clone would probably be filled with the same amount of hate but would be a propped up puppet rather than a leader due to completely different experience. As much as Hitler was a product of his genetic makeup (whatever mental illness he had) he also was a product of his environment (abusive father, being gassed in WWI). His clone would probably have the same mental tendencies and the inclination to control people, but wouldn't be able to rise up on his own without the experiences that taught him he needed to mold society to his needs rather than adapt to society. His need to mold society and the society falling apart around him was the horrific combination needed to commit the attrocities of the third reich...sorta like the environment/genetic combinations needed to create Hitler...