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Who will profit from the latest bogus scare (handheld missile launchers?)

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 07:06 AM
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Who will profit from the latest bogus scare (handheld missile launchers?)
Edited on Thu Aug-14-03 07:16 AM by Dover
The story about the sting operation and arrest of a Brit for involvement in the sales of a handheld missile launcher to down a commercial airliner is now widely considered to be a manufactured scare. There is a question whether the accused fellow ever would have even thought to get involved in such an endeavor if not set up by gov. intelligence agents. So why all this press and fuss? Who benefits?

Well its a bit of a distraction for Bush's falling polls and justifaction for continuing his war on terrorism,
but the real benefactors are those companies who are now contracting to install the anti-missile devices in over 1500 commercial airlines at over a million dollars a pop.
So the scare story introduced the idea of the airline's vulnerability to these missiles into people's minds and into the public conversation in order to create a market for their product.

The frightened population thinks they are safer (the bankrupt airlines are happy to seem safe for business) and the profits pour in for the contractors. Of course, if the population isn't afraid, this equation doesn't work, does it?
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sleepystudent Donating Member (171 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 07:59 AM
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1. I have to respectfully disagree...
The contractors aren't getting anything out of this. On everything I've seen and heard they are saying that it would cost 10 billion dollars minimum to put the anti-missile devices on the planes-this at a time when airlines are barely staying afloat and the federal government is cutting costs on national security. So no one is willing to shell out the money for this. I would be surprised if planes are ever fitted out with anti-missle devices. And this isn't a new story really-there have been articles about this threat for months, esp. when one of those missiles was fired at an El Al in Africa. So people have known for a long time that this was possible. This doesn't seem that manufactured to me. And there are greater distractions than this-i.e. Arnold in CA, and all types of junk news. This missile story wasn't that necessary. And I am not sure that the jist of this is that people think they are safer-I have been getting the impression that this is getting more and more people to realize how many of those missile devices are out there on the market and how little can be done about them, unfortunately. I heard on the news(admittedly, the BBC) that "you might as well just have another gin and tonic, 'cause there's nothing you can do"
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kentuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 08:16 AM
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4. Welcome student... read this link:
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kentuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 08:09 AM
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2. It's just a continuation of the "fear factor"
Read the Buzzflash interview with Rep Jim McDermott...
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fishnfla Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 08:10 AM
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3. Real terrorists and their networks benefit
Those entrenched terrorists and real arms dealers, the kinds that move hundreds of pieces a year are going to benefit. Obviously the Gov has not penetrated their networks, so the are reduced to staging set-ups. Professional arms dealers wont fall for this, and now will have their radar up.
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