Edited on Thu Aug-14-03 07:52 AM by Donna Zen
Many people would agree with your point about the military staying out of politics. I too have reservations concerning the influence of the Pentagon. Nevertheless, I also try not to deal in sweeping, absolute assumptions. IOW, I believe not all generals are bloodthirsty neo-cons.
First, this is not a military coup; General Clark is retired not active duty. Faced with an endless war, many Americans might find his knowledge a valued source of information, if we are find a peaceful solution to this conflict. Second, prior military service should not be a damning fact that bars people from serving in the public sector. Third, the other day I read (no link) that 91% of our former presidents have had some military experience. I know that many people on this board have that experience and yet are progessives who opposed the Iraq War. Finally, I doubt this country has ever endured a more bloodthirsty cabal than Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Perle; all bastards who never wore a uniform, never saw people blow apart on a battlefield, and never shed their own blood in service to this country.
Generals may understand war, but it takes a flock of Chickenhawks to preach slaughter.