Sunday Ann Widdecombe maintained that sex education has "failed": those who promote it should now "shut up", and leave the welfare of our teenagers to the virginity campaigners.6 Denny Pattyn, the founder of the Silver Ring Thing, calls this "the Cesspool Generation - suffering the catastrophic effects of the sexual revolution."7 These people have some explaining to do.
Were we to accept the conservatives' version, we would expect the nations in which sex education and access to contraception are most widespread to be those which suffer most from teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. The truth is the other way around.
The two western countries at the top of the disaster league, the United States and the United Kingdom, are those in which conservative campaigns are among the strongest and sex education and access to contraception are among the weakest.
The United States, the UN Population Fund's figures show, is the only rich nation stuck in the middle of the Third World block, with 53 births per 1000 teenagers - a worse record than India, the Philippines and Rwanda.8 The United Kingdom comes next at 20. The nations the conservatives would place at the top of the list are clumped at the bottom. Germany and Norway produce 11 babies per 1000 teenagers, Finland eight, Sweden and Denmark seven and the Netherlands five. 9
"Studies of the Dutch experience," Unicef continues, "have concluded that the underlying reason for success has been the combination of a relatively inclusive society with more open attitudes towards sex and sex education, including contraception." Requests for contraceptives there "are not associated with shame or embarrassment" and "the media is willing to carry explicit messages" about them which are "designed for young people".12
This teeming cesspool has among the lowest abortion and teenage birth rates on earth.