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Fuck Enron!$!

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NecessaryOnslaught Donating Member (691 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:11 AM
Original message
Fuck Enron!$!
What a joy it would bring to my souring heart to see these raping and pillaging scumfucks strung up and left for the buzzards.

Elsewhere on the tapes, another employee says, "This is where California breaks."

"Yeah, it sure does man," says another.

And they proposed to do that by exporting energy out of the state so the company could drive up prices even more.

"What we need to do is to help in the cause of, ah, downfall of California," an employee is heard saying on the tapes. "You guys need to pull your megawatts out of California on a daily basis."

"They're on the ropes today," says another employee. "I exported like a f------g 400 megs."

"Wow,'' says another employee, "f--k 'em, right!"

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ibegurpard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:17 AM
Response to Original message
1. The people of California need to be made aware that their beloved governor
settled the lawsuit with these fucks for pennies on the dollar.
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w13rd0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 03:22 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Of course he did...
...hell, Enron was just advancing hiiii....AND THEN THE GUY STOPS HIMSELF AND SAYS "the downfall of California". Oh, yeah, that's SO MUCH BETTER than saying BUSH. Saying "HELPING the GOP FUCK CA".
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