Reagan gets to screw the District of Columbia one last time.
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:17 AM
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Reagan gets to screw the District of Columbia one last time. |
A funeral right at rush hour with four of the main arteries to the city closed. How much is this week-long funeral costing tax payers...something that if Reagan were alive with his senses he would be criticizing.
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Wed Jun-09-04 10:09 AM
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1. "Govt. is not the solution, it's the problem" |
Totally against Reagan's so called philosophy. The hypocrisy of these people knows no bounds.
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Wed Jun-09-04 10:44 AM
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2. Which is why the Federal Government is closed that day |
There won't be a rush hour on Friday.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:52 PM
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