Edited on Wed Jun-09-04 12:16 PM by bigtree
Every fucking day! Nothing but Reagan, Reagan, Reagan. How goddamn long are we supposed to hold back our disgust, just to appease the sensibilities of bleeding heart moralists here. Don't the garrish displays put on by warmongering, homophobic, facist bootlicking apologists beg for a proportional, opposite reaction from the rest of us? They want to immortalize this dead creep, Reagan, who spent his conscious life attempting to marginalize the concerns of minorities, gays and lesbians, working poor, those afflicted with aids, and everyone else who was not part of his filthy rich crowd.
These folks worshipped Reagan because he gave them free reign to divide and conquer, not in pursuit of something productive or noble, but he gave aid and comfort to those who would spew unvarnished hatred, racism, and patriotic demagougery in their pursuit of some facist ideal of a society where all who didn't fall in line with their ideology were to be denied full benefit of basic amenities like jobs, marriage, investment, and representation in our government.
From his advocation of drug testing as a requirement for obtaining menial jobs and activities, to gerrymandered districts that couldn't elect substantial minotities to Congress, from his indifference to the growing AIDS epidemic, to his refusal to meet with the Congressional Black Congress, from his robbery of our hard earned tax dollars and his elimination of any tarrif on money taken out of the country and the creation of tax shelters for his rich friends, to his elimination of numerous government programs that low and middle income individuals and families relied on to survive.
Many Americans, abruptly cut off from a welfare system that barely met basic needs, staggered into a newly created, two-tier wage system that provided less pay for new-hires for the same work performed alongside their more fortunate co-workers, with little or no benefits. Many immediately fell further behind because of the absence of basic health care, child care, and rental assistance, which many of the new positions would not provide. Reagan claimed that the increasing number of welfare recipients were an impediment to economic recovery, although welfare represented less than 1.5% of the budget.
"Trickle down", was his legacy. All of the excesses of his wealthy crowd have been trickling down on the rest of us as his rich juniors who make up less than 2% of our population have adopted his arrogant indifference to the plights of ordinary Americans in their desperate attempt to inflate their booty with the product of our hard earned sacrifices, and in their attempt to marginalize the concerns of the rest of us.
Trickle down. All hail the facist king who taught us how to hate and conquer in the name of America. We will likely never outlive the damage he has done to our great society. It is our obligation to un mask and unkennel the truth about this dead demogougic gadfly. The revisonistic euologies demand remonstration and an elucidation of the facts and motives behind the reign of this pecuniary king.
Vanitas Vanitatum-
ALL the flowers of the spring Meet to perfume our burying; These have but their growing prime, And man does flourish but his time: Survey our progress from our birth— We are set, we grow, we turn to earth. Courts adieu, and all delights, All bewitching appetites! Sweetest breath and clearest eye Like perfumes go out and die; And consequently this is done As shadows wait upon the sun. Vain the ambition of kings Who seek by trophies and dead things To leave a living name behind, And weave but nets to catch the wind. John Webster