I was 17 when he suddenly died in 1973 and remember the funeral, but nowhere near the coverage this one is getting. I'd say the same about Nixon's as well.
I'll go further. I vividly remember JFK's assasination and the coverage that followed. That weekend, as anyone who was there at the time remembers, was intense and culminated with JFK's burial on that Monday (4 days). I also remember RFK's funeral and, if I'm not mistaken, he was buried just as quickly...and this included his body being flown from California and the shock and grief all of us felt those ugly days 35 years ago. I can remember the TV coverage well, too...very intense, but also with a degree of dignity, not the free-for-all of talking heads and non-interviews we're seeing today.
In 1969 I saw Eisenhower's funeral...my 8th Grade class Spring trip happened to fall right when Ike died (I remember no one really cared...this was right after all the other deaths and was natural, as opposed to the others). It was a different feeling, as well, since Ike had been suffering for a while with a bad ticker and his peaceful death was viewed with a sense of national relief...and this for a man who did far more for this nation than Raygun could ever have.
Lastly, no one mentions the passing of Harry Truman in 1972. It was right during the Christmas holiday, Nixon's bombing of North Vietnam and Watergate. I don't remember even if he had a state funeral. If so, it was extremely modest.
In many ways, I don't fault the Raygun family for this insane coverage. I'm certain most of this ceremony would have taken place privately, but it's been suberted by the cable networks and the GOOP as some kind of media event. I heard some wingnut talking head retort when asked if this was "too much coverage"...compared this to OJ...and how people expect this type of coverage. We do???
Yes, it's difficult for many of us as this contrived crap will continue for the next several days, and it seems to get thicker and deeper as it goes along. Meanwhile the living world goes on and a lot of the problems this regime has brewing aren't going away and will be back with a vengence. Consider this funeral Junior's summer vacation.
In the meantime, please join with me in honoring the 40th President by naming things in his honor today...and feel free to share it (as many already have) in this string and others. Lunch was delightful and now I will flush in his honor.