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We've got a serious US House race in Michigan

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JNelson6563 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 01:51 PM
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We've got a serious US House race in Michigan
For the fourth district. Our candidate's name is Mike Huckleberry (there is no primary opponent). Our Republican opponent is incumbent Dave "rubber-stamp" Camp. He's got the Dow fortune behind him BTW.

With our districts rather gerry-mandered in Michigan (though we are no Texas) this campaign goes far and wide. I am the co-chair for the campaign, managing it for the region I live in (the northern-most part of the district).

In my sigline is a link to our new and improved site. I hope you all will stop by there and check it out, offer encouragement and maybe even some contributions. This is a race that is going to have to be funded by us "little people" and it's important to win. Kerry will need more Dems in Congress to make all the positive changes that are necessary, possible.

I'm heading down to Greenville where HQ is on Friday. If that town sounds familiar it is where the Electrolux company just closed, putting more than a couple thousand people out of work directly. Now, with all the smaller plants that supplied the larger company also closing things are growing worse. This is something that helped inspire Mike to make this Congressional run, seeing the Bush economy tear through his own town and the lives devastated by it.

So please, check out his site and help out the campaign if you can.

On to many victories in November! :toast:

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noonwitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. What exactly is your district? I know where Greenville is
Just north of Grand Rapids. The GS camp (Camp Anna Behrens) I went to was just north of there. I wish you luck, that's pretty conservative territory.
Sander Levin is my congressman. I don't even know if the GOP bothers to run someone against him, as I recently joined this district, when it was redistricted to give Candace Miller a seat from northern Macomb county (previously, my guy was Bonior-I prefer the pro-choice Levin, but Bonior was more approachable, came to my church, etc.).

I've heard that someone is challenging Conyers, now that his district is not just west side Detroit, but also some downriver communites like Allen Park. I also heard that the GOP is running a candidate against Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (Kwame's mom). I think both will be defeated by the incumbents, but it will be interesting with the new districts to see if the margin of defeat has changed much, especially with Conyers, who is well-loved by Detroiters.
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JNelson6563 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 03:39 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. 4th District
Edited on Wed Jun-09-04 03:39 PM by JNelson6563
I'm in Traverse City. The 4th includes Leelanau Co. as well.

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Upfront Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 02:17 PM
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2. Good To Here
Glad to hear your on this one. Camp dosn't know it yet but he has a battle on his hands.
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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 03:45 PM
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4. Good Luck
may this be one of many we win back in November.
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