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A Nice Guy's Nasty Policies - Robert Scheer

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WillyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:02 PM
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A Nice Guy's Nasty Policies - Robert Scheer
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I liked Ronald Reagan, despite the huge divide between us politically. Reagan was a charming old pro who gave me hours of his time in a series of interviews beginning in 1966 when he was running for governor, simply because he enjoyed the give and take. In fact, I often found myself defending the Gipper whenever I was confronted with an East Coast pundit determined to denigrate anyone, particularly actors, from my adopted state. Yet, looking back at his record, I am appalled that I warmed to the man as much as I did.

The fact is that Reagan abandoned the Roosevelt New Deal — which he admitted had saved his family during the Great Depression — in favor of a belief in the efficacy of massive corporate welfare inculcated in him by his paymasters at Warner Bros., General Electric and the conservative lecture circuit. Though Reagan the man was hardly mean-spirited, Reagan the politician betrayed the social programs and trade unionism he once believed in so fiercely.



Interesting take by Scheer, no???

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newsguyatl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:06 PM
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1. i read that yesterday
it's a great article.
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:14 PM
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2. He's right. Reagan really had a siren's song that he lured the
unsuspecting in with. Many of my liberal friends succumbed to what he had to say. I had to pull them back to reality by explaining what he really was saying and when he was elected Governor, it became apparent in what he was doing. He tapped into people's dreams and the possibilities he could see for the nation. Of course, his nation was white and middle class. It was really odd because Reagan never was really rich in a Republican sort of way.
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Sir Craig Donating Member (222 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:14 PM
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3. Yesterday O'Reilly slammed him for it...

...hardly surprising, as O'Reilly has absolutely no use for any kind of "left-wing bomb thrower," as he frequently refers to Scheer.

O'Reilly claims that people should not turn Reagun into some kind of cherished idol, and yet anytime someone does try to point out "Ray-gun's" weaknesses is instantly derided by O'Reilly as "insensitive" or "lunatic left-wing."

The hypocrisy hasn't stopped -- it has only become more obvious.

Here is a link for anyone with a strong enough stomach for O'Reilly's BS...
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