Imagine hearing this on US radio or TV. "The Dispatch" presents reports from correspondents. TOnight, one segment was on Kirkuk. Where all the oil fields are. The reporter talked about the "ghost war." Killings go on and no one is caught or punished. Kirkuk, according to the reporter, is getting WORSE.
Kurds trying to get land back from Arab Iraqis who were given it by Saddam. Turkomen defending their turf...
The reporter said this is what Iraq could turn into in the future....complete civil war. He said there isn't an Iraq alive whose main concern isn't security...
Now, it was amazing to hear because nothing like this gets on our airwaves. Of course, if you read the foreign press, you will have known about this ever since Bush invaded Iraq. But, to hear it on radio, albeit a Canadian broadcast targeting the US....was great....but it would be even better if we got these reports in our media....