Like a mantra, the Reagan worshippers will tell you how Reagan united our nation and made us all "proud" to be Americans again. No, that is not correct. He made them proud to be Republicans again.
After Watergate, the Repubs were disgraced in their support of the crook, Richard Nixon. They were so embarrassed that they did not get out of bed oo election day in 1976 and they let Jimmy Carter, the Democrat, take over. But, by 1980, they were recovering from their shame and guilt, and they were ready to attack and destroy those "liberals". In Ronald Reagan, they found their perfect spokesman.
Reagan was as partisan as they come. He would smile at you as he was sticking the dagger in your heart. The Repubs loved that! They loved someone who would take on those "liberals" like Reagan did, no matter how much he divided the nation. And he did divide the nation.
But he united the Republican Party and they forgot all about Richard Nixon. In their enthusiasm and political zeal, they thought or assumed his support was unanimous. After all, no one had made them feel this good in a long, long time.