There was a popular and eerily prescient thread lurking here for the better part of last week titled: WHY DO AMERICANS ALWAYS DRESS LIKE THEY'RE HEADED TO THE BALLPARK?
Behold the grim toll Casual Fridays have taken on our nation!

I actually blame the Clinton era for this. After the conspicuous consumption of the 1980s resulted in a tax increase on the rich in 1993 everyone became paranoid about us knowing how fucking RICH they were and even the wealthy started dressing like pigs, trying to blend in. (Bill and Al running around in khakis during the 1992 campaign didn't help either.)
This is like Six Flags over Crap... "you must be this tall to look at the dead president"
Tips for Reagan mourners:
1) You are not in line to see a stuffed mermaid at the county fair. (Close, but not quite)
2) Ranch dressing is not a beverage
3) Don't use an American flag to cover your spotty behind. Seriously guys, would you treat the Confederate flag that way? Of course not! So while you're up here in The United States show a little respect.
4) Save your "I saw the dead president" souvenir card. You can sell it on eBay!