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An Edsel Not an Empire -- Conservative labels Bush "total failure"

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Proud2BAmurkin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 02:01 PM
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An Edsel Not an Empire -- Conservative labels Bush "total failure"

The Edsel name became synonymous with failure back in 1957, when the Ford Motor Company launched a “new concept” of a car named after the then chairman’s father, Edsel Ford. It bombed like no car has before or since. In 1999, Tina Brown, in cahoots with the disgusting Harvey Weinstein, launched Talk magazine with a million-buck grand-opening extravaganza on some island off Manhattan. Talk became an Edsel in no time, with Weinstein shutting it down after only one year. Both the Edsel and Talk used Madison Avenue hucksterisms to stir up excitement before the final product appeared. Both proved the old adage about fooling all the people all of the time to be correct. Mind you, Detroit has been lying to Americans since the first horseless buggy. Compared to European and Japanese cars, American ones are unsafe and expensive to run. It took a Lebanese-American to expose the lies with Unsafe at Any Speed almost 40 years ago, but still Detroit lies and covers up.

Which brings me to the Bush presidency: it looks like an Edsel—brilliant presentation followed by total failure
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tridim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 02:05 PM
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1. Nice analogy
Bush: Ugly on the outside, uglier on the inside.
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stinkeefresh Donating Member (563 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 02:10 PM
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2. I guess I have a problem with labeling
Weinstein "disgusting" at this exact moment in time. I don't know about Talk, but his actions vis a vie F911 make him a hero of mine, these days.
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