pResidet Bush Killed Ronald Reagan..! by denying stem cell research.
sam sarrha
(1000+ posts)
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Thu Jun-10-04 05:32 PM
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pResidet Bush Killed Ronald Reagan..! by denying stem cell research. |
Edited on Thu Jun-10-04 05:36 PM by sam sarrha
Through Bushes mindless campain policies and bowing to the fanatical demands of extreemist fundamentalist christian evangelical groups about outlawing stem cell research with single cell Ovums that were destined to be destroyed anyway... Bush may have effectively caused the death of Ronald Reagan and millions of others that suffer from Alzheimer's.. Most of the suffering involved in Alzheimer's is done by the caretaker families..Financially ruined, bankrupted.. the stress emotional and physical exhaustion they are doomed to suffer.. and the Catastrophic cost to our taxpayers to needlessly warehouse these unnecessary victims of a horrific disease for which there is promising research for treatment and even a possible cure.
I think that the Republicans should be forced to never speak the slogan.. "Compassionate Republican" again.
anybody see Zardoz..??:cry: :grouphug:
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