I am looking forward to the aftermath of Bush's defeat.
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Thu Jun-10-04 07:52 PM
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I am looking forward to the aftermath of Bush's defeat. |
With relish I anticipate the storm surge of information that will reveal who knew and did what during the Reagan years with the release of the presidential papers. I anticipate that Bush Sr. will still be drawing breath at that time. Such as the case may be - we will witness his reaction from the disclosure of just what he was doing in Paris during the Summer of 1979. We will also know just how much Bush Sr. was "out of the loop" while the Iran-Contra crimes were being committed.
Another thing that gives me shivers is the general reaction from the flood of information the CIA will allow to leak from the White House, Pentagon and State Department. A blow job's a blow job but treason and international war crimes are beastial.
I smell blood and the stink of fear sweat. Do I hear knives being honed to a razor's sharpness?
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