Majority Report: Peggy Nooner talking about ReaganOrgasmic funeral:
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Thu Jun-10-04 10:27 PM
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Majority Report: Peggy Nooner talking about ReaganOrgasmic funeral: |
IT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE HEARD IN A LONG TIME. Actually, they were running later than usual (11:26 p.m.). But it was hysterical. She had this breathless voice, comparing Thatcher to Churchill and visualizing Roosevelt... Amazing. But listening to Jeanine and Sam making fun of her was just the crowning event in my evening.
Guy Whitey Corngood
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Thu Jun-10-04 10:28 PM
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1. This woman is a complete imbecile. n/t |
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Thu Jun-10-04 10:34 PM
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2. Was Peggy the 'sanctimonious and very affected B actress' |
imitation actually interviewed on AAR? I'd be shocked if she'd ever venture their way...
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Thu Jun-10-04 10:41 PM
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3. No, they replayed one of the statements (probably made on FOX or CNN) |
It was pure puke, but it was so over the top that it was funny. And after Jeanine and Sam finished with it, I was just rolling on the ground.
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Thu Jun-10-04 11:00 PM
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Edited on Thu Jun-10-04 11:00 PM by Catt03
Hearing voices talk to her like the Wellstone vision and her attachment to Reagan....a little psychotic, don't you think?
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Thu Jun-10-04 11:05 PM
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5. SoCalDem, in another thread, has labelled the press |
reaction as "Reagasm" and I thought it was perfect!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:27 PM
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