Speaker of the House, Republican Dennis Hastert and several
Republican sponsors, have introduced a section to the 'American Job
Creation Act of 2004' that would allow churches to violate election
laws three times a year without penalty. We urge you to alert your
representative to this development since the Jobs act is large and
this provision was rushed in recently.
There is no question that the section was inserted after an e-mail
to several churches soliciting support for Bush's reelection bid was
made public, causing an uproar over the legality of churches
supporting specific candidates. In addition, there's little doubt
in my mind that the rush to suspend the rules was motivated by a
poll indicating that people who attend church regularly and
frequently are most likely to vote Republican. There appears to be
no similar relaxation of the rules for American Atheists, Freedom
From Religion Foundation, Planned Parenthood or other 501c3
You may read an article about this in the Washington Post -
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A26244-2004Jun8.htmlWe've made it easy for you to inform your representative by going to
Take Action -
http://www.capwiz.com/godlessamericans/home/Jeff Lewis
Political Director