Take Heart folks...Bill Clinton's Book is coming out soon
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Fri Jun-11-04 01:20 AM
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Take Heart folks...Bill Clinton's Book is coming out soon |
Clinton's book is coming out soon, and once the Reagan hype has died down, the hype will likjely be all over the place.
Maybe that'll be our version of equal time -- I hope.
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Fri Jun-11-04 02:26 AM
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1. many things Reagan is credited for |
i see in clinton rather than reagan. i'm 25 so i can speak better of clinton's time in office as i was a kid when reagan left office but even from watching the videos and reading things i say that bill clinton is more of a "great communicator" than reagan ever was. i see clinton as optimistic and hope and appealing to the good in people.
this is not to say reagan did not do these things but i think clinton was much better at it . and i know i am biased but i think even being objective this might be true.
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Fri Jun-11-04 02:41 AM
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Edited on Fri Jun-11-04 02:41 AM by Dferguson
I am going to get the printed version and the audio version to listen to in the car. I remember the hype over Hillarys book last year and tucker carlson eating his own shoe if it sold over 1 million. I cant wait for the hype for the book. The media cant keep this reagasm going for more than a week.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:55 PM
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