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Bush European Leader remian divided

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doni_georgia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 07:13 AM
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Bush European Leader remian divided
Bush, European Leaders Remain Divided

1 hour, 5 minutes ago Add White House - AP to My Yahoo!

By JOHN LEICESTER, Associated Press Writer

SAVANNAH, Ga. - Ostensibly, President Bush (news - web sites) got what he wanted: a photogenic gathering of world leaders on his turf that, by making him look the statesman, could help his tough battle for re-election this November. But the harmony on display at the Group of Eight summit only covered so many cracks

This opening paragraph says it all. Bush got the photo op he was wanting at the G8 summit, got the opportunity to look like a statesman pursuing diplomacy, but like all Bush administration photo ops, it was a dog and pony show. Nothing changed. What was needed was for Bush to admit he was wrong about Iraq - wrong about the weapons of mass destruction, wrong to think that we could nearly unilaterally come in there and overthrow their existing government and change them to a western-style US friendly democracy. But we all know Bush does not believe he makes mistakes. I'm reminded of an old Happy Days episode where Fonzi had to say he was "wrong." He said, "I was wrrrrrrr," "I was wrrrrrrr." Bust just couldn't get the word out. The difference between Arthur Fonzerelli and George W. Bush is that through the run of the television show Happy Days, Fonzi developed into a real human instead of just the caricature of the "too cool" greaser. Bush is still the caricature of the cowboy - all image and no substance. Of course real leaders see through this caricature. They do not consider him an equal. They know that no matter what the set up for photo ops, Bush has his own agenda and prefers to be the Lone Ranger handing out vigilante justice to all who disagree with him.
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SlingBlade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 07:21 AM
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1. A Uniter not a Divider
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SCDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 07:32 AM
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2. Waste of Money
So much of our tax dollars were paid for the super high level security for this photo-op and our chimp in charge couldn't even muster a "well my heart told me the WMD's were there but I guess my mind and the facts say differently now" so all this tax dollar security was for a photo op and nothing else. Arrrrrrghhhh!

Why don't those who complaing about the liberals raising taxes complain about this complete waste of money? Oh yeah the liberal pundits did not tell them to be upset or think about it so they dont and arent.
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