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The Reagan Mourning: It's all part of the Bush campaign

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nodictators Donating Member (977 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 08:56 AM
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The Reagan Mourning: It's all part of the Bush campaign
we've seen it all: the intense media coverage, the inflated estimates of the number of "mourners," and the media beatification of Reagan.

Now, we find out that it's an all-Repub memorial: Presidents Clinton, Carter, and Ford will not be allowed to speak at this morning's memorial service. However, Bush 41 and Bush 43, along with former Prime Ministers Thatcher and Mulroney will speak at the memorial service.

The connection to the Bush campaign is reported here:

Republicans Upset Over Bush Plan to Use Reagan Images, Speeches in Campaign Ads

Capitol Hill Blue Staff Writer
Jun 10, 2004, 08:15

As the nation prepares to bury former President Ronald Reagan, Republican insiders fight among themselves over plans by the political team of President George W. Bush to use images of and speeches by Reagan in new television ads aimed at jump-starting a faltering campaign.

“They’re disgusting,” says one long-time Republican who participated in a focus group to preview the new television ads. “They dishonor the memory of Ronald Reagan and if President Bush allows these ads on the air I, for one, will not vote for him in November.”

The ads, ordered up by Bush political advisor Karl Rove immediately after Reagan’s death last Saturday, use images of Reagan and excerpts from his speeches in what one angry GOP conservative describes as a “callous attempt to tie George W. Bush to the legacy of Ronald Wilson Reagan.”

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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 09:04 AM
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1. Hmmm...Next Week Could Be Interesting
Is it me or are others starting to see/hear some Convservatives who are getting fed up with the politicizing of the Reagasming going on? Lou Dobbs made a special effort last night to avoid covering the funeral and was back into full bore on this regime's economic policies (Rove can't be too happy with that).

Next week the hangover will be setting in as the GOOP will have to rejoin the real world and the real problems that haven't gone away. It's one week closer to the next calamity in Iraq (UN or no UN) and Fitzgerald seems to be sniffing closer and closer to the Executive offices. Plus lest us not forget the 9/11 report, Chalabi scandals, economic/oil mess, Abu Jabhril and so on...and there's not a lot of unity among Repugnicans among these issues.

I could actually see a bit of WWRD coming up. What would Raygun do in Iraq? What would Raygun do about the high oil prices? What would Raygun do about the Patriot Act? And these aren't questions us Democrats need to ask...the Repugnicans will be asking them for us. The ghost of the Gipper could end up haunting the Boy Blunder as a lot of second guessing that went away for Reagasming will be back.

We'll have our good times ahead. Of course, there's the Clinton book, Moore's movie, Kerry's convention (and the REAL uniting of Democrats in a way I don't think any of us have ever experienced) and a growing feeling among a majority of Americans that the GOOP has to go, and go down hard!
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LittleApple81 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 09:06 AM
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2. NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!!!!! n/t
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