the living lie, the legend, is under the dirt. the mourning period is over. look at the faces of those at the funeral of the hollow, actor leader. these are the people who stole america away from we the people. the people who now would destroy the world, and enslave it. these very people are the ones we must take our nation back from.
remember, reagan, bush 1, and bush 2 are the same triumverate. the same unholy trinity that curses the world. the god of all lies is dead and buried, but the ones at his funeral, the ones in dubya's cabinet live on. like vampires who refuse to die, they suck out all of our life and live in baronial splendor. we must throw open the coffin lids, open the drapes, and let in the light of we, the people of the united states. the light of liberty's torch, will melt them away to trickle down to hell with ron, down there, where the dead remember.
reagan. bush. bush. children of women prisoners in iraq being raped to psychologically torture their mothers, forced to watch, while cameras roll. reagan. bush. bush.