They invited readers to share their rememberances of RR. So I sent in mine:
"I had a friend in college who did extensive volunteer work for the impoverished in Central America. He saw first hand the results of Reagan's anti-communist paranoia in that troubled region. The real threat in Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador in the 1980's was not a "red tide" of communism rushing toward the US border with Mexico, as Reagan claimed. The treat was the murdering and raping death squads, trained by the USA via the School of the Americas, and protected by right-wing totalitarian military dictatorships subsidized by the Reagan administration. Ronald Reagan was willing to forgive any crime committed by anyone who declared himself an enemy of communism, up to and including genocide. He would claim later that he had no knowledge of what Henry Kissinger, John Negroponte and George H. W. Bush were up to; whether or not that was true, it was Reagan's anti-communist zeal to the point of blindness that enabled the commission of countless crimes against humanity."