Punishing the Poor
http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/11/opinion/11HERB.html"If you want to see "compassionate" conservatism in action, take a look at Mississippi, a state that is solidly in the red category (strong for Bush) and committed to its long tradition of keeping the poor and the unfortunate in as ragged and miserable a condition as possible.
How's this for compassion? Mississippi has approved the deepest cut in Medicaid eligibility for senior citizens and the disabled that has ever been approved anywhere in the U.S.
The new policy will end Medicaid eligibility for some 65,000 low-income senior citizens and people with severe disabilities — people like Traci Alsup, a 36-year-old mother of three who was left a quadriplegic after a car accident."
Medicaid bill becomes law
http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/8769469.htm"Gov. Haley Barbour on Wednesday signed into law a Medicaid bill that would remove 65,000 people from the state health care plan, crack down on eligibility and drug costs and save state taxpayers an estimated $106 million.
Barbour promised those removed from the state system would receive adequate coverage under the federal Medicare program and said he understands that "not knowing scares people."
But at a rally at the Capitol later Wednesday, opponents, including scores of Medicaid recipients and health care advocates, said the plan would leave thousands of the state's elderly and disabled without adequate coverage or prescription drugs."
If this isn't a wake up call to all Americans, what will it take? There is no such thing as "compassionate conservatism." All that means is saying you're sorry while taking from the poor to give to the wealthy. The GOP's class warfare escalates day after day. When will we match their firepower?