These are the shits that say there are *always* moral absolutes, down to spousal benefits for gays. But the answer to the torture scandals, the Patriot Act, preemptive wars and the like is that "9/11 changed everything."
I know it's but a pipe dream, but to me to demonstrate that their bedrock philosophical framework is not inviolate when they are in themselves in charge of the ENTIRE GOVT should be the death knell to the neocon's shell game.
People have probably said this before (and better) here at DU, but it hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday upon hearing O'Reilly talking about how we "need a national discussion on torture, these bad guys aren't part of any government army, 9/11, blah, blah." If that's not "situational ethics," I don't know what is. How I'd love to hear a caller get through and nail him and his ilk on this.