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Two BBV Questions

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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 03:24 PM
Original message
Two BBV Questions
1. Has anybody researched -- or asked R. Doug Lewis -- who's on his Board of Directors? He's got to have one, right? I don't think you can incorporate at all -- whether as a non-profit ( which would be a 501(c)(3) ) or a regular corp or an S-Corp -- without a BoD. In Georgia you have to have at least three -- a Pres., Secretary and Treasurer, IIRC.

2. Does anyone have a link for a nice collection of 2002 (and even incl 2000 if available) electronic voting glitches? I've got a few links, but not quite what I'm looking for. I think Bev had her own compilation, but I haven't found a link for that among my bookmark treasurers.

AND, please check out this request for some urgent research help from Bev, if you haven't:

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cap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 03:28 PM
Response to Original message
1. you don't need to have other people...
you can legally be all three -- President Secretary and Treasurer -- all by yourself. I've had an attorney set me up as a corporation.

R. Doug Lewis can be a one man show.

However, he does need to file papers (in the case of a corporation it would be with the Secretary of State of that particular state) with the state. The exact papers and where they are filed varies state to state.
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DEMActivist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 03:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. It depends on the state, actually
In Georgia, the President and Treasurer cannot be the same person.

Eloriel, I answered question #2 for you in the other thread.

Sorry, can't help much on the R. Doug Lewis question, but I know Bev can (she's just working on the book right now - it may be a few hours).
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hedda_foil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 03:32 PM
Response to Original message
2. Here's Bev's list, E.
Edited on Thu Aug-14-03 03:48 PM by hedda_foil

Posted on Friday, March 21 @ 19:48:23 EST by BevHarris

A word about "computer glitch" vs. software programming error
"Glitches" seem to have no owner and bring with them an aura of expectability, if not respectability. Software programming errors, whether accidental or not — ask for accountability.


long list.

Edited to add:

Comal and Scurry Counties (TX)

Miami 2002:

Broward County election worker report (2002):

Here's a huge conflict of interest report(Arkansas):

ES&S: Arkansas, Secretary of State Bill McCuen pleaded guilty
Posted on Thursday, March 20 @ 19:38:51 EST by BevHarris

The Baton Rouge Advocate

"In Arkansas, Secretary of State Bill McCuen pleaded guilty to felony charges that he took bribes, evaded taxes and accepted kickbacks. Part of the case involved Business Records Corp. , a Dallas company that sold Arkansas computerized systems for recording corporate and voter registration records.

"Arkansas officials said the scheme involved...then-BRC employee Tom Eschberger...Eschberger got immunity from prosecution for his cooperation. Today, he's a top executive of ES&S
And another from California:

Posted on Thursday, March 20 @ 19:31:38 EST by BevHarris

Associated Press
Secretary of State Bill Jones said he will investigate whether the employee in charge of evaluating voting machines in California improperly took a job with a voting machine manufacturer…Louis Dedier, the state's director of voting systems the last two years, left this month for a job with Omaha, Neb.-based Election Systems and Software

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Vadem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 04:36 PM
Response to Original message
4. Board of Directors, Election Center:
Edited on Thu Aug-14-03 04:38 PM by Vadem


Gary Bartlett Executive Secretary-Director P - 919-733-7173
North Carolina State Board of Elections
POB 2169F - 919-715-0135
133 Fayetteville Street Mall Suite 100
Raleigh NC 27602-2169

Donetta Davidson Colorado Secretary of StateP - 303-894-2200
1560 Broadway, Ste 200F - 303-894-7732
Denver CO 80202

Ernest Hawkins Registrar of Voters, Sacramento CountyP - 916-875-6558
3700 Branch Center RoadF - 916-875-6516
Sacramento CA 95827

R. Doug Lewis Executive Director, The Election CenterP - 281-293-0101
12543 Westella Suite 100F - 281-293-0453
Houston TX
Mobile - 713-516-2875

Julie Pearson County Auditor, Pennington CountyP - 605-394-2152
315 St. Joseph StreetF - 605-394-6840
Rapid City SD 57701-2892

Thomas Wilkey Executive Director
New York State Board of ElectionsP - 518-474-8100
6 Empire State Plaza Suite 201 F - 518-473-8315
Albany NY 12223-1650
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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 06:00 PM
Response to Original message
5. Thanks bunches, everyone! nt
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