On August 22, 2002, Portland citizens staged a massive demonstration. Tens of thousands of people protested George W. Bush's appearance at an elite Republican fundraiser for Senator Gordon Smith. All across America, images were played showing police pepper-spraying passionate Americans, whose only mistake was standing up to an oppressive government and exercising their first-amendment right to free speech.
Yet 364 days later, George W. Bush has the gall to reappear as the featured speaker for another fundraiser here. If you are an elite Oregon Republican who is willing to cough up $2,000 per plate, you may well have received an invitation to this shindig at the Chiles Center on the campus of the University of Portland.
This thread will sink quickly in GD, but I have posted a thread in the Activism/Events forum with info
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=106&topic_id=1412. In short, meet at Columbia Park on North Lombard at 10 a.m. on Thursday, A21. More info here:
http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2003/08/269543.shtml I invite fellow DUers to join me to march on the Bluff against this criminal administration.
*Bush also is scheduled to make an appearance A22-23 in Seattle, and our brothers and sisters there have plans for him, too. More here, thanks to DUer Myra:
http://www.stopbushseattle.com/Will Pitt is scheduled to speak at the Seattle event.
I sincerely hope all who oppose Bushco and everything they stand for will join me in Portland next Thursday as we once again tell Bush that he is not welcome here. May Little Beirut rise again.