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The Bushworm turned, but got a resounding "No!"

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veracity Donating Member (993 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 04:26 PM
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The Bushworm turned, but got a resounding "No!"
Talk about flip-flop (the brush they're trying to paint Kerry with)....Bush got on his knees to the UN, and the G-8 nations, and was given a royal kick in the ass. This needs to be used as a campaign flyer:

AS THOUSANDS DIED - Contributing Editor- June, 2004

The metaphorical worm in this article has taken a momentary turn in a desperate attempt to revive a policy drowning its own illegitimacy.


How clever of the Bush team to turn defeat into victory. In little more than a year, their illegal invasion of Iraq collapsed around them even as their dreams of global domination withered. This month, faced with chaos and failure, George W Bush was forced to plead for a lifeline from those whose advice he had summarily shunned and dismissed on his road to war. And yet, this humiliating appeal and compromise before the United Nations has been hailed by much of the media as a successful strategy for creating a sovereign and democratic Iraq. Try telling that to the thousands of people who died.

Imagine what might have been. Imagine that the President and his neocon advisors had not been obsessed with invading Iraq. Imagine that the United Nations had been allowed to continue its inspections and that Saddam Hussein’s brutality had been contained and monitored. Imagine that 200 billion taxpayer dollars had been invested in the real war on terror and that the rest of the world, including the wary Moslem nations, had witnessed, with respect and admiration, that Right makes Might. And imagine that thousands of people did not have to die.

Full article....
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billybob537 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 04:47 PM
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1. Miserable Failure
I'm embarrassed to present this fraud to the rest of the world as our president.:puke: :puke:
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