Rush Limbaugh: Is there REALLY hypocrisy in his third divorce?
Eric J in MN
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Fri Jun-11-04 06:17 PM
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Rush Limbaugh: Is there REALLY hypocrisy in his third divorce? |
Yes, he supports politicians who use the phrase "family values."
But does he use the phrase "family values?"
Does he say gay marriage is a threat to "traditional values?"
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Fri Jun-11-04 06:19 PM
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1. Its the gay marriage thing. Told ya. |
Edited on Fri Jun-11-04 06:19 PM by MikeG
Pigboy's moving to Massachussetts to marry John Fund.
On edit. Just joking.
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Fri Jun-11-04 06:19 PM
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2. I don't really give a damn. n/t |
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Fri Jun-11-04 06:19 PM
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he will have a guest host all next week. Pigfucking coward.
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Fri Jun-11-04 06:25 PM
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4. What are the chances that his ex will write a tell-all? |
Eric J in MN
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Fri Jun-11-04 06:27 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
Rush is on the radio three hours a day. A book would come and go.
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Fri Jun-11-04 06:53 PM
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6. They seem to bend the rules to fit what they do. |
Right now they are trying to make men with dog collars look right. I guess they will have to get in line with this little sin.
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Fri Jun-11-04 07:06 PM
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7. Yes he often talks about same sex marriage being a threat |
to traditional values. He also rails against premarital sex and single parenthood.
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Fri Jun-11-04 07:12 PM
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8. I've never listened to Rush Limbaugh on the radio |
and I never will.
I don't care if he ever used the phrase "family values" or that "gay marriage is a threat to traditional values". He is IMHO a complete and total hypocrite.
He panders to the lowest common denominators that dwell in the Repuke party. He is no better than Fr. Coughlin who spewed his venom in the 1930's and Sen. Joe McCarthy in the 1950's.
Hypocrisy = Rush Limbaugh
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:15 PM
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