I subscribe by e-mail to as much of the filthy Republican/"Christian" fundamentalist propaganda as I can (under bogus names, of course) so that I can keep up with Satan's tactics and work to defeat him. I'm on Falwell's list, Wildmon's list, Roberta Combs' list - Hell, I subscribe to them all. It's important to know what the enemies of freedom are planning to do to undermine our nation. It angers the blood to read their hate and disgusting anti-Americanism, but it's necessary to fight against the hateful right wing.
Just now, I receieved a Reagan propaganda e-mail from the Bush-Cheney campaign, complete with a transcript of Bush's lame and sleepy speech at the funeral of the murderer Ronald Reagan. The GOP is pimping the old man before he even gets the first shovel of dirt poured over him! Reagan's nothing more than a Republican fantasy legend to these scumbags.
Fight, my friends! Fight to restore freedom in America! Remember this as the day they finally buried the evil man who murdered hundreds of thousands of our Central American neighbors.