of biased liberal scholars rating Democratic Presidents "great" and Republicans "failures"?
At last: a trustworthy ranking of the Presidents -- by conservatives Rankings of presidential performances are common, and usually irritating: liberal academics love to place Ronald Reagan near the bottom and the likes of Slick Willie near the top. But now editors from two stalwart conservative organizations -- the Wall Street Journal and the Federalist Society -- have put together Presidential Leadership: Rating the Best and Worst in the White House.
This is the first examination of presidential performance that includes a significant number of conservatives in the group of judges. Each president receives a ranking, and the rankings are refreshingly free of the worn-out liberal biases that mar most similar studies. Ronald Reagan ranks as "Near Great" and eighth best president of all time. Nobel laureate and "great ex-President" Jimmy Carter? Below average - just one notch above outright "Failure."
James Taranto of the Journal and Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society include essays on each president, plus several broader thematic essays on presidential leadership. The authors include such conservative luminaries as Victor Davis Hanson, Peggy Noonan, Robert Bork, Paul Johnson, Edwin Meese, Christopher Buckley, Kenneth Starr, Lynne Cheney, Theodore Olson, Richard Brookhiser and many more.