Another interesting "coincidence" re: Dana and Abu Gharib: UN Headquarters in Iraq was bombed the day after Mazen Dana was murdered.
Reuters Cameraman Killed For Filming U.S. Graves: Brother
Tuesday, August 19 2003 @ 06:51 PM EDT
"The U.S. occupation troops shot dead my brother on purpose, although he was wearing his press badge, which was also emblazoned on the car he was driving," he said.
"Mazen told me by phone few days before his death that he discovered a mass grave dug by U.S. troops to conceal the bodies of their fellow comrades killed in Iraqi resistance attacks," Nazmi said.
"He also told me that he found U.S. troops covered in plastic bags in remote desert areas and he filmed them for a TV program. We are pretty sure that the American forces had killed Mazen knowingly to prevent him from airing his findings."
On Sunday, August 17, U.S. troops shot dead the award-winning Reuters cameraman while he was filming near the U.S.-run Abu Gharib prison in Baghdad on Tue, Aug. 19, 2003
U.N. diplomat killed in blast had worked in several troubled spots
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Sergio Vieira de Mello, 55, the handsome, seasoned U.N. diplomat who was killed in Tuesday's bombing in Iraq, had a resume that read like a road map of the world's trouble spots.
The Brazilian-born diplomat insisted from the day he arrived that his top priority was protecting the interests of Iraq's people. He warned of disaster if Iraqis weren't given self-rule quickly. "Only Iraqis have the capacity and the right to administer Iraq," he said. "The longer it takes, the greater the amount of frustration and impatience on the part of Iraqis."
In his last interview, published in Monday's editions of the Brazilian daily newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, Vieira de Mello warned that the vast U.S. military presence in Iraq was inciting attacks like the one that took his life a day later.
"This must be one of the most humiliating periods in history for these people. Who would like to see their country occupied? I wouldn't want to see foreign tanks in Copacabana," Vieira de Mello said. He added that American-led coalition forces needed to win over Iraqis by restoring essential services rather than dominating the country. rethinking Iraq presence
Associated Press
Posted 8/20/2003
The ill-defined U.N. mission in Iraq was authorized to improve the humanitarian situation and assist in reconstruction. The mission's chief, Sergio Vieira de Mello, was to coordinate with U.S. authorities and Iraqis. Vieira de Mello, who was hosting a meeting in his office when a suicide truck bomb exploded outside the compound, was killed. me wonder now, after the revelations about the tortures at Abu Gharib and the scandal that ensued, if Mazen Dana and Sergio de Mello weren't murdered for "damage control" purposes. Given the documentable interventionist criminal history of some of the right wing holdovers from the Reagan administration that are now in high level defense positions in the Bu$h administration, is it unreasonable to speculate that these people are capable of murder for the purposes of covering up their dirty deeds?
What if Mazen Dana gave his film footage of the corpses to de Mello? What happened to that film footage? Was it destroyed in the UN Headquarters bombing?