when I see this society turn around and acknowledge its own social immaturity and intellectual laziness. Humility is our friend! We ARE the petulant child of the international community, not just taking our ball and going home, but damaging the other balls so that no one can play. We profess to be Judeo-Christian, but do not realize that our own Golden Calf is simply represented by a piece of green tinged paper. In addition, we are superficial enough to define ourselves by the accumulation of said paper. Share the surplus with the poor or (gasp!) the homeless? Not in this lifetime! They are clearly just lazy, unmotivated,. and accustomed to 'nursing on the government teat'. This is a terribly sad society, and the real tragedy is that we have so much potential for goodness, we simply have been indoctrinated into the bowels of Social Darwinisn at its finest.:evilfrown: