(Found this on Bartcop's forum.)
From progressive majority
We’re working so quickly to get this out the door - we haven’t even had a chance to format this e-mail in Progressive Majority’s regular e-mail template. I wanted you to know about this new campaign as soon as possible.
Just like they did in Florida in 2000, right-wing interest groups are pushing to overturn the results of a free and fair election. This time they're using an arcane recall petition to go after a governor who was re-elected less than a year ago. Progressive Majority isn't getting into the candidate fray, but we are launching an online petition asking people like you to speak out in opposition to this power grab. Take one minute right now to sign the petition by clicking on the link below or keep reading for more information.
http://involve.progressivemajority.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=11167This recall effort is not a grassroots groundswell – this power grab is deliberate and calculated – wealthy right-wing interests in California began just one month after the last election. And this is bigger than a recall on the governor – this is an attempt to recall the will of 8 million voters who support workers’ rights, education, choice, environment, fair tax policies, health care and civil rights.
At Progressive Majority, we’re calling this one as we see it: this is a drive to wrap up California for Bush and the Republicans in 2004. It is being paid for and driven by the same forces that put President Bush in office in 2000. Sign the petition or keep reading.
http://involve.progressivemajority.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=11167Mark Rosenbaum of the ACLU told The Washington Post that, "This is going to make what happened in Florida look like spring training." (The Washington Post, Aug.12).
What does the White House have to say? Quoting White House sources, one reporter wrote last week, “For the first time in the last several months, the Republicans think they’ve got a shot at picking up the electoral votes in California, which would obviously drive the race way over onto Bush’s side in 2004.” (“The News,” CNBC, Aug. 7).
Do you get it now? If the Republicans succeed in California it will be a huge boost to Bush campaign. Please sign the petition today.
http://involve.progressivemajority.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=11167Thanks for all that you do.
Gloria Totten
Executive Director
Progressive Majority
P.S. California is not Florida. But just as Florida was critical in 2000’s presidential election, California will be in 2004. Every electoral scenario to get rid of Bush hinges on the Democratic nominee winning California. That will be harder to do if we let Republicans buy their way into the governor’s mansion. Please act today – Join Progressive Majority in opposing the recall.
Sign the petition.
http://involve.progressivemajority.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=11167Tell your friends, family and co-workers.