Edited on Sat Jun-12-04 02:56 PM by pauliedangerously
Most of the world was against this war from the start. People warned that President Bush had not made a strong enough case for going into Iraq, that WMD had not been found, that there was no imminent threat. Others warned that military aggression would spark a wide outbreak of terrorism. Numerous cases have been made that there is no military solution to terrorism or the spread of WMD. We sat and watched, on corporate cable television, the executive branch of the government ignore due process, and lead American sons and daughters into a mythological war.
This whole “war on terror” is a diversion to keep people from inquiring about things like proposed oil pipelines from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf and the strong ties between the Bush and Saud families...not to mention the four secret flights carrying Saudi nationals out of the USA just after 9/11. It’s a diversion to make everyone sit down and shut up; to keep people from asking why the government didn’t do anything to prevent this event from happening when it had foreknowledge that an event was going to happen in the imminent future. Why weren’t those fighter jets scrambled in time on 9/11? They knew something was going to happen, but they weren’t sure what, and they let it happen so they could justify going to war.
We Americans are faced with the biggest conflict of interest in US history: an administration intertwined with the oil and defense industry coupled with a haphazard war energized with invocations of God, accusations of treason, and cries of terrorism in an oil-rich land.
The people of this country had better sober up and face the reality that the rest of the world sees. We have been deceived by our own government; by a spoiled, rich, ex-drunk (probably still a drunk) of a president whose father had to pull favors for to get him into Yale and Harvard, and to get him out of going to Viet Nam, trying to pass himself off as a regular guy. What’s not to get?