Bury the BFEE with Reagan. Repeat and rerun. Use the royal Ronnie send-off as a chance to dump the BFEE once and for all.
How can we dump the Bush Organized Crime Family with all the noise from the multi-million-dollar taxpayer financed made-for-TV movie about The Great Confabulator? Well, we make like jiu-jitsu masters and use the momentum of the 2004 Ronnie Farewell Tour to our advantage.
Remember what ancient people would do when the king died? Before they sealed the royal burial mound, they’d toss in the entire royal household, court, and trade-mart. Who can not be impressive in the afterlife when guarded by wives, concubines, ministers, priests, calico cats, royal hound dogs, and anyone and anything else.
Well. There you go, again. The parallels to today should be to all (including the dimmest freeper) obvious. I propose we toss in the BFEE leadership: Poppy, Sneer, Smirk, Crisco, Rumsferatu, CatmanFrist, BugBoy DeLay, Pearl Harbor Perle, Comblicking Wolfowitz, Ollie the Traitor, Rev. JerryMoonRobertson, Rushblow, and all the rest of the scum that make up the American branch of the BFEE.
Perhaps in this way, the nation could use the royal Ronnie send off as the just the right chance to dump the conservative (and now neo-conservative) movement and its regressive Tory legacy of debt, divisiveness and death. And I don’t want to see any of THAT in the afterlife, either!
— Octafish