Chimpy To Speak at aprox. 8:30 pm Eastern
Zero Gravitas
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Thu Aug-14-03 06:57 PM
Original message |
Chimpy To Speak at aprox. 8:30 pm Eastern |
CNN just said that * will speak in about 35 minutes. I'm sure the nation will be releived to hear his words of wisdom/biblical quotes. :boring:
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Thu Aug-14-03 07:00 PM
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1. I'll bet his final words will be, |
"Good night and God Bless." (said with great sterness and authority)
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Thu Aug-14-03 07:00 PM
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2. Well, Kamika did predict this (on another thread) |
we'll have to see what pretzelhead says. Of course, after Bloomberg and Pataki it's anticlimactic.
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Thu Aug-14-03 07:01 PM
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3. Thanks for the heads up |
I think I'll take a nap or watch 'Wag the Dog'.
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Thu Aug-14-03 07:05 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. tell him we're just fine without him |
don't miss him a bit. do much better without him. he's irrelevant.
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Thu Aug-14-03 07:07 PM
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Is he gonna' tell us some more LIES?
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Thu Aug-14-03 07:23 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Ain'tcha gonna watch'em first hand so's |
youd know which lies he gonna lie with?
The media is going to spin it no matter what he says.
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Thu Aug-14-03 07:33 PM
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rather than run the risk that, once again, he'll make a total ass out of his self.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:12 AM
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