This wouldn't have happened in a rsponsible administration. The problems with the grid have been known about for some time and events such as an energy task force should have dealth with this very issue.
Clearly, the task force had other things on their collective pea brain, but, of course, as no papers of substance have been released, we can only assume those maps of Iraq wreen't there to fix the grid.
* needs to be hit long and hard on this one. Of course he also needs to be dogged about his performance today (this is a domestic problem..). Hitting * leads to Cheney and when he refuses this time to release his papers he should be removed from office. THIS is the end result of his collusion with folks who do not have the best interest of democracy and the United States in mind.
Hell, I don't know. I am in Minnesota and we gots power and air conditioning until the cows come home - which, actually, is pretty soon. Just thought I would try this idea out. Seems like this is something that should stick to *.